Wednesday, November 7, 2007


"Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts!
We are filled with the good things of your house, of your holy temple.
You answer us with awesome deeds of righteousness, O God our Savior,
the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas...
You crown the year with your bounty..." ~from Psalm 65

November 2007

~With Thanksgiving...~
We'd like to thank all of you who welcomed us so warmly during our visit back to the States. God was so good to allow us to gather with some of our long time friends and enjoy the comfort of these friendships, but it was especially great to be able to meet many of you for the first time! We look forward to sharing together with you in the future the "good things of 'His' house", "the awesome deeds of righteousness" as He moves & works in this world, and Christ, "the Hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas".

~With Joy...~
And so with joy we return to Arequipa!
We are continuing to worship, pray, and study with believing friends in our homes. Everyone is excited as God is faithfully working among us & moving us onward. We are learning what it means to be His disciples- stretching to live by His Word and by His power and His mercies. It is a blessing to be a part of the Body of Christ with these people!
We are also still working together within churches here to fully grasp the Kingdom of God and how really living within it affects everything! As we advance, we are challenged by the stongholds of tradition and the ease in which those who are close to understanding can fall away. The singular authority of God and it's implications to one's life are not always such an easy pill to swallow. Please pray that these hindrances be destroyed and God's Kingship be established deeply in every heart.

~With great hope...~
As some of you may remember, we were able to share an amazing week with Christian pastors and leaders from all over Peru & Chile last year at a retreat we offered here in Arequipa. Over the past year, we have been visiting and building relationships with these new friends. Many of them deeply desire to study the Word of God and are eager to explore what it means as the people of God to live in His Kingdom here on earth. Once again, we believe it is timely to gather together corporately for a time of worship, teaching, and strengthening the Church! We are planning another retreat for the month of February. We will be joined by a wonderful group of teachers whose heart is to see the Church edified and equipped in every way. Also, we will be sharing in a special time of worship with a beautiful group of people whose joy it is to lead the Body into a sweet place of communion with the Lord. We hope to proclaim, provoke, equip, and encourage all who gather together for this week. We are praying for provision in many areas for this retreat. If you are interested in how you might help, please email or call us.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

It is very good...

"Come and see what God has done, how awesome His works in man's behalf!" ~Ps.66

It is official before God and man- our dear friends Lee & Dori are now,
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Williams !
Congratulations guys! We love you!

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Good News!

The rebuilding has begun-

Thanks to all of you, whom God has brought together at this time, we were able to purchase 10 two-room ,wood houses for 10 families in a neighborhood and are beginning construction on one brick and cement house this week.

Our family will be leaving on Thursday to travel first to Lima and then to Chincha. We will be visiting with the families who have received these houses, a few churches, and the many friends we have met there over the past few months.

We hope to post more pictures and another update soon. We will be traveling back to the States (NC) for three weeks after our visit in Chincha- We'd love to hear from you while we are there!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Photo (& Smile) of the day...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
In the midst of one of the dustiest, dirtiest places on earth... the sign outside of this house reads, "Wash your hands!"

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back from Chincha...

We returned just a few days ago from our second trip to Chincha, one of the areas hardest hit by the earthquake that struck Peru on August 15th. Three weeks later and the sights are still overwhelming. People continue to live in the streets. Rubble is visible as far as the eye can see. Children still roam the streets, as many of the schools were badly damaged or completely destroyed during the earthquake. Many are still in shock, as the task of starting all over seems
so difficult. To be honest, to the human eye there seems to be little hope. Everything has been lost. An already poor people have become even poorer in just a three minute span…the duration of the earthquake three weeks ago.

Maybe you are wondering what we are doing in Chincha now. Thanks to all of you, this is how WE (together) were able to contribute... On our last trip we were able to purchase 20 more rolls of blanket material to distribute. This material was sufficient to make around 550 blankets. With people still living outside in the streets, warmth is a real issue. We also spent a good deal of time on this trip visiting with families and various communities to survey what the most pressing needs are now, three weeks later. After taking this time with the people, we believe that the most pressing need is physical help to rebuild. Many are waiting and hoping that the government will fulfill it’s promise to help with the reconstruction. In an ideal world, this would be something to get excited about. But realistically, in countries such as Peru, more times than not, the government never completes what it has promised. The truth is that there are over 200,000 people without homes now. Our group is small…we are not a large organization. Until now, our focus of ministry has not been earthquake relief. There was a need among the people we have come to love very much in this country and we wanted to help in the very best way we could.

We cannot help all with the rebuilding process, but thanks to your generosity we should be able to help 20-25 families. We are pursuing the idea of purchasing 20-25 prefabricated wood houses to take to Chincha in the next couple of weeks. These homes are very, very modest…about 125 sq feet. They are not a permanent fix, but are a good start. They are dry and warm…much better than the homes of plastic and cardboard in which many are currently living. Hope seems lost for so many of these people...and really, that is true! In the natural, there is no hope for them to live with joy, and laughter, and anticipation of a future. Thankfully, God is not a god of the natural. God is merciful and has a plan for Chincha and the surrounding areas.

“…Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken-that is, created things-so that what cannot be shaken may remain. “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:26-29 NIV

Chincha and the surrounding areas are well known for being some of the most idolatrous areas of Peru. Idolatry, witchcraft and crime run rampant in these towns...but, God is full of grace. Yes, He has shaken the land! Temples have fallen and idols have been destroyed. If we look, we will see that now, there is a great Hope among these people. They now have the opportunity to turn away from these created things and set their sights on things that cannot be shaken. Many will choose to rebuild their temples (before rebuilding their own houses) and make offerings to their idols. They will continue to take their sick children to shamans(witch doctors) and live in fear and uncertainty. The people of Chincha have a decision to make. Choose to trust what can be shaken... or choose Hope. The hope of a new beginning, the hope of a fresh start and the hope to rebuild…with the foundation being God and Christ as the chief cornerstone. A new building…an eternal building…a building that cannot be shaken!

So, if there is anyone that would still like to help…it is not too late. As long as the funds are available, we will continue to help the people of Chincha in the process of rebuilding. Thanks to all of you that have given. You truly have made a difference.

Thank you~

The Lord bless you.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

'For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.'

Hello Everyone~
Thank you all so much for your faithful prayers.

Today has produced, of more value than anything else, several new friendships that have deeply affected everyone. Mike, Alex, Lee & Michael spent much of the day today with several new friends. These are Pastors from Chincha and Hoja Redonda. These men shared their lives with the group today~ their fears, their questions, their hopes and their faith. As they gathered together, there was a real bond of brotherhood in what they had shared in... Men with no homes, no jobs, young families, and great burdens for all those in their care, who are living through the same trials. They talked together, and prayed together, and laughed together, and ate together, and planned for the future together, and rejoiced that the Lord had gathered them at this time.

'Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.'

Though the task is quite daunting, and everyone has times of feeling completely overwhelmed by what they see, the relationships that have been made today make it impossible to be too tired, or too cold, or too frustrated with the speed of movement in this country to be disheartened...Today was spent preparing and planning for the future! Rebuilding...Restoring...Renewing.

Wherever the presence of the Holy Spirit is, there is hope... there is a future... there is a garden growing somewhere that causes praise to spring up from the depths of our souls.

'Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus...whom we confess.'

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Treasures in the Rubble

"Praise be to God!...In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope...and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade-"
~I Peter 1:3-4

Hello Everyone~
Once again the guys are back in Chincha, and I am gladly sharing with all of you, who are laboring right along with us in prayer and giving, their journey.

Treasures in the rubble...
Tonight, I am rejoicing in a beautiful treasure that Mike, Alex, Lee and Michael found in the midst of the ugliest place they have been to yet! Earlier this afternoon when I talked to Mike, the whole group was feeling exhausted and a bit overwhelmed with the needs of the people in Chincha. They met again with a large group of Pastors from the area to discuss and organize the most efficient way to continue the distribution of supplies. There are still lots and lots of people sleeping in the streets with little to no shelter. It is very cold there at night and there is so much suffering.
Late in the afternoon, they were able to meet with a group from a church there. They met in the middle of a vacant street, as the church building was destroyed. Again, they were met with such despair and need. The people were grateful to receive the supplies and the guys were able to pray for and encourage them a bit, but they left feeling the same burden and tiredness with the gravity of the situation still there.

After this, they picked up a friend, Pastor Luis, who took them about 15 miles outside of Chincha, to the small town of Hoja Redonda. 95% of the town was built of adobe and nearly everything in the entire town was destroyed. There literally is nothing left standing. Because the town is so "far" out, they have received almost NO help at all. These guys have seen a lot of devastation, but this by far was the worst yet. What could they say to these people? Again, they were faced with the knowledge that they could not help everyone... and these people needed everything!

What they did not know however, is that the people of God, in Hoja Redonda, having nothing in this world, had a sweet, sweet gift to give to our group. JOY!
Just as before, they gathered together in the street, but this time there was something different. The people they met here were HAPPY! With absolutely total destruction in every direction, these people were filled with hope! And of course, it was contagious! Tiredness and feelings of helplessness were forgotten and a happy reunion of friends old and new took place in the midst of piles of rubble. They asked Lee to preach and everyone was encouraged by God's tender words for the night. They went tonight to meet the needs of the people in this town, and God chose to meet the needs of their hearts through this precious family of believers. I think this is a night they will remember for a long time to come!

Plans for tomorrow...
Tomorrow, the plan is to finish distributing the supplies they brought and continue to do some long term planning for rebuilding. They will be meeting with others to coordinate the work. They are also hoping to visit Hoja Redonda again tomorrow, too~
"Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that HOPE in the Lord."
"Therefore, the redeemed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away."


News photo from article below.

The guys are on their way to Chincha this morning~
I am including a news article I read last night... a good example of how much more there is to be done!
12k People in Guadalupe Town in Ica, Peru Forgotten After Earthquake
The coordinator for the international humanitarian aid organization, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), has stated that the 12,000 inhabitants in the town of Guadalupe have been forgotten by those that are providing aid. It was pointed out that two weeks after the violent earthquake, the town is in a "precarious and unacceptable" situation." They are receiving clothes, food and water, but almost two weeks after the earthquake on August 15, tents have not been distributed. People are living in shelters made of cardboard and plastic," stated MSF coordinator, Luis Encinas. MSF reported that on August 25, a team carried out a quick analysis in the town of Guadalupe, southeast of Pisco and 325 km south of Lima. It was reported that up to 95% of the houses had been destroyed in the town center and 60% in the surrounding areas. Thus amounting to a total of 3,500 destroyed houses. The MSF team also reported that most of the 10,200 affected people are living in shelters made up of cardboard and bed sheets, lacking latrines and living in poor hygiene conditions.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"The Hope of all the ends of the earth..."

Houses destroyed in Chincha, Peru (top)
After earthquake & tsunami in Pisco, Peru

There is so much to tell and so many thank-yous to give. I do need to say how very grateful I am to each and everyone of you that has taken the time to lift us and this country up in prayer during this difficult time. Also, to all of you that have given, I want to say a very heart-felt thank you. You have blessed so many lives by your generosity. You will never know how much of an impact that you have made in the lives of so many that you do not even know. My prayer for each of you is that you will be blessed as you have blessed others.

What a week! We just returned Thursday night from our trip to Chincha and Pisco helping the victims of the massive 8.0 earthquake that struck the coast of Peru 10 days ago. We arrived in Chincha three days after the initial quake that killed over 500 and destroyed or damaged well over 50% of all homes and businesses in the area. On our first night, we had to evacuate the hotel twice because of the aftershocks....many of which were quite strong (6.0). We returned to our candle-lit accommodations to try to rest, which was quite difficult between the aftershocks and the distant (and somtimes, not so distant) sound of gunfire. A prison had been destroyed during the quake and therefore more than six hundred prisoners were running the streets of Chincha. Needless to say, we all slept very lightly with flashlights in hand those first couple of nights.

The next morning, we met with representatives with Food for the Hungry and a team of missionaries from Lima to try and organize the local churches and begin distributing food to the communities. Chincha is a city of about 250,000 people with more than 100 local congregations. Because we were familiar with the area, our team was able to organize a meeting in the afternoon between 40 local pastors and the representatives of this relief organization. The meeting was a success and should be very helpful in creating some sort of long-term care in the area. However, it did not take us long to realize that immediate help was not anywhere close to coming. As with any large organization, it takes time to mobilize and act. These people need long-term care, and groups like Food for the Hungry, Samaritan's Purse and the Red Cross are going to be there to provide that for them. However, these people also need immediate help. And thanks to you all, we were able to be there to provide that for them. During our time there, we were able to distribute over 1000 kilos of rice, 1000 kilos of pasta, 2000 liters of potable water, 1000 liters of milk, 500 kilos of sugar, cases of tuna fish, cases of crackers and baby food. In addition, we gave out other items such as matches, candles, first aid supplies and bleach. We also distributed over 100 blankets, hundreds of meters of plastic for shelter and foam for bedding. In a city of 250,000, this may not seem like much...but believe me, in a time of crisis such as this, this was a tremendous help.

So, where do we go from here? Well, we are planning on a return trip. We have already purchased tickets for this Wednesday. We will go back to Chincha and do whatever we can to help. We spoke to a friend today who lives there. According to her, some help has started to arrive, however there are still many areas on the outskirts of town that are being neglected. We plan to go back with whatever funds that we still have and continue to try to meet some of the basic needs of these people.

Thanks for your generosity and thanks for your prayers. We will try to keep you informed as this week goes along.

Blessings to you all.

" that we may comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." ~2 Corinthians 1:4