'For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.'
Hello Everyone~
Thank you all so much for your faithful prayers.
Today has produced, of more value than anything else, several new friendships that have deeply affected everyone. Mike, Alex, Lee & Michael spent much of the day today with several new friends. These are Pastors from Chincha and Hoja Redonda. These men shared their lives with the group today~ their fears, their questions, their hopes and their faith. As they gathered together, there was a real bond of brotherhood in what they had shared in... Men with no homes, no jobs, young families, and great burdens for all those in their care, who are living through the same trials. They talked together, and prayed together, and laughed together, and ate together, and planned for the future together, and rejoiced that the Lord had gathered them at this time.
'Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.'
Though the task is quite daunting, and everyone has times of feeling completely overwhelmed by what they see, the relationships that have been made today make it impossible to be too tired, or too cold, or too frustrated with the speed of movement in this country to be disheartened...Today was spent preparing and planning for the future! Rebuilding...Restoring...Renewing.
Wherever the presence of the Holy Spirit is, there is hope... there is a future... there is a garden growing somewhere that causes praise to spring up from the depths of our souls.
'Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus...whom we confess.'
1 comment:
Thank you !
We haven't posted anything for awhile, but we will very soon.
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