News photo from article below.
The guys are on their way to Chincha this morning~
I am including a news article I read last night... a good example of how much more there is to be done!
12k People in Guadalupe Town in Ica, Peru Forgotten After Earthquake
The coordinator for the international humanitarian aid organization, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), has stated that the 12,000 inhabitants in the town of Guadalupe have been forgotten by those that are providing aid. It was pointed out that two weeks after the violent earthquake, the town is in a "precarious and unacceptable" situation." They are receiving clothes, food and water, but almost two weeks after the earthquake on August 15, tents have not been distributed. People are living in shelters made of cardboard and plastic," stated MSF coordinator, Luis Encinas. MSF reported that on August 25, a team carried out a quick analysis in the town of Guadalupe, southeast of Pisco and 325 km south of Lima. It was reported that up to 95% of the houses had been destroyed in the town center and 60% in the surrounding areas. Thus amounting to a total of 3,500 destroyed houses. The MSF team also reported that most of the 10,200 affected people are living in shelters made up of cardboard and bed sheets, lacking latrines and living in poor hygiene conditions.
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