Austin, Texas .
More to come...
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Stand at the crossroads and look...

"Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is,
and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls."
~ Jeremiah 6:16
"I make known the end from the beginning
from ancient times,
what is still to come.
I say:
'My purpose will stand and I will do all that I please"
"See, the former things have taken place,
and new things I declare:
before they spring into being,
I announce them to you."
"Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
Has it not been told you from the beginning?
Have you not understood since the earth was founded?"
"The LORD is the Everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary...
those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength."
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Buenas Dias from Peru!
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible...all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have supremacy. For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things..." Colossians 1:15-20
News from the Church in Arequipa~
Hello from everyone in Arequipa!
News from the Church in Arequipa~
Hello from everyone in Arequipa!
It's been awhile since we have written a full newsletter, so we will try to catch you all up at one time- don't worry, we'll just give you the scoop in a nutshell!
We have been studying Genesis together- yes again!
It is so very rich- a book that speaks of our inheritance, birthed in the first People of God... dominion, redemption, obedience, faith, justice, sacrifice, the new creation- the Kingdom of God!
We are rejoicing as God reveals to us more and more and "giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness & brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves..." Colossians 1:12
We have been studying Genesis together- yes again!
It is so very rich- a book that speaks of our inheritance, birthed in the first People of God... dominion, redemption, obedience, faith, justice, sacrifice, the new creation- the Kingdom of God!
We are rejoicing as God reveals to us more and more and "giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness & brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves..." Colossians 1:12
Over the last few months, there have been many in our group who are walking through some tough times- would you pray for these situations as you read below?
~One brother has just been told he will lose his job in July. He is a faithful servant of Christ and is believing with all his heart for God's provision (along with his wife and 2 small children). His sincere faith is an inspiration and encouragement to the whole Body here. Please pray for this family.
~Another sister (a single mom) has endured some painful medical problems recently and is still waiting on a diagnosis. Praying God's light will reveal the problem and right it.
~And Julber... the tumors have grown back on his elbow, knee, and hip. He is in pain most days, and now his walking is being affected. He will most likely be undergoing surgery here in Arequipa in July. We will send more information when we know... Please pray for him-
Sometimes we wish we could tell you about each beautiful member of the Body of Christ that we love and are a part of here. The struggles they face and the victories that are won (like our sister Coki, whose brother has come to Jesus through her testimony from another city- we are believing her whole family isn't far behind !). They would encourage each of you in their "understanding of God's grace in all it's truth". For they know and believe that " Christ all the fullness of Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is head over every power and authority." (Colossians 2:9-10)

~Another sister (a single mom) has endured some painful medical problems recently and is still waiting on a diagnosis. Praying God's light will reveal the problem and right it.
~And Julber... the tumors have grown back on his elbow, knee, and hip. He is in pain most days, and now his walking is being affected. He will most likely be undergoing surgery here in Arequipa in July. We will send more information when we know... Please pray for him-
Sometimes we wish we could tell you about each beautiful member of the Body of Christ that we love and are a part of here. The struggles they face and the victories that are won (like our sister Coki, whose brother has come to Jesus through her testimony from another city- we are believing her whole family isn't far behind !). They would encourage each of you in their "understanding of God's grace in all it's truth". For they know and believe that " Christ all the fullness of Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is head over every power and authority." (Colossians 2:9-10)
God is so good in His timing! This is an exciting sight for missionaries... an airplane bringing dear friends (the peanut butter and other goodies are secondary of course!)
This past month we have be so blessed to have some great friends and fellow laborers visit us here. They each have ministered to the Body in a unique way and so we all have been "encouraged in heart" and "united in love" . We are so very thankful for their desire to share in the work and lives of the people here.
Last month, Mike, Lee, Dori and our new friends Rebekah had the opportunity to return to Chincha for a short visit.
Pastor Pepe was so happy to see them and share news about the Church in Chincha. He sends his deepest thanks to all who helped with relief and rebuilding after the earthquake. Rebuilding is going quite well- you can see some pictures we attached below in a previous post...They also wanted to share something special with Mike, Lee and Dori, and Rebekah-
As they were returning from the conference we held in Arequipa in February, they were inspired to write a new song~
It was a beautiful offering as they played the guitar and drums and sang us this joyful song!
Please continue to pray for the Family in Chincha... may they "stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured".
Soon from Argentina and Chile~
Mike, Lee and our good friend will be leaving this Sunday to travel to Santiago, Chile and Mendoza, Argentina. They plan to meet with several brothers who minister through Bible Training Centers located throughout Argentina and Brazil. We are looking forward to building these relationships and hearing about the work the Lord is doing in these places. Please pray for this trip- that their eyes might be opened to see beyond the natural, and that they might be led by the Spirit and be discerning in all things. Update to come...
And finally, news from the Styron Family~
Last, but not least... news from our family...
After much prayer, we believe the Lord is again asking for our obedience in following Him to a "new land".
This has been a very difficult decision to make, as we so love our family here in Arequipa. We love the work the Lord has given us here and appreciate just how blessed we have been to have lived in this country for the last 4 years.
We are confident that this move is pleasing to the LORD and so we will be leaving Peru at the end of October. We will be in North Carolina for some time, as we continue to pray and seek God's path for the next steps.
We are sure in the calling and ministry God has entrusted to us. This has not changed !! We will continue to minister, both in the US and internationally, as God provides. We plan to return regularly to Arequipa and other parts of South America while in the US, continuing relationships and ministry among the people God has given us.
PLEASE pray for our family~
*For financial provision as we start all over again- (think cars, beds, pots and pans... all the basics. Yikes! )
*For grace- lots and lots of it!
*For God to bring people along side of us during this time who will desire to be a part of the work we will continue while living in the US.
How good it is to share with you all and know the prayers that will be made on behalf of the Church in all parts!
Grace and Peace be with you all~
The Styrons
Please continue to pray for the Family in Chincha... may they "stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured".
Soon from Argentina and Chile~
Mike, Lee and our good friend will be leaving this Sunday to travel to Santiago, Chile and Mendoza, Argentina. They plan to meet with several brothers who minister through Bible Training Centers located throughout Argentina and Brazil. We are looking forward to building these relationships and hearing about the work the Lord is doing in these places. Please pray for this trip- that their eyes might be opened to see beyond the natural, and that they might be led by the Spirit and be discerning in all things. Update to come...
And finally, news from the Styron Family~
Last, but not least... news from our family...
After much prayer, we believe the Lord is again asking for our obedience in following Him to a "new land".
This has been a very difficult decision to make, as we so love our family here in Arequipa. We love the work the Lord has given us here and appreciate just how blessed we have been to have lived in this country for the last 4 years.
We are confident that this move is pleasing to the LORD and so we will be leaving Peru at the end of October. We will be in North Carolina for some time, as we continue to pray and seek God's path for the next steps.
We are sure in the calling and ministry God has entrusted to us. This has not changed !! We will continue to minister, both in the US and internationally, as God provides. We plan to return regularly to Arequipa and other parts of South America while in the US, continuing relationships and ministry among the people God has given us.
PLEASE pray for our family~
*For financial provision as we start all over again- (think cars, beds, pots and pans... all the basics. Yikes! )
*For grace- lots and lots of it!
*For God to bring people along side of us during this time who will desire to be a part of the work we will continue while living in the US.
How good it is to share with you all and know the prayers that will be made on behalf of the Church in all parts!
Grace and Peace be with you all~
The Styrons
Church in Arequipa,
Kingdom of God,
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Muchas Gracias!
Pastor Pepe Gives Thanks from Chincha~
Mike, Lee & Dori recently returned from a trip to Lima & Chincha and brought with them this video of one of our friends from Chincha. We thought you all might like to "meet" this brother and hear how thankful he is to God and to all of you who helped him and his neighbors rebuild after the earthquake last August.
Below are also a few pictures of the church "building" where this family of believers meet together now. Many of them were able to come to Arequipa for the retreat we held here in February. They told us of how the Lord really used that time to teach them and they are seeking the Kingdom of God like never before. They even shared with Mike, Lee & Dori a beautiful song that they composed on the way home from the conference (inspired by a session on worship shared by the folks from "Enter the Worship Circle" ).
We'd like to also tell each one of you how much we appreciate the love you showed to our brothers & sisters in Peru and how abundant the fruit has been in that place.
Blessings to each one of you~ Mike & Chenoah

The "road" to Chincha...

Mike, Lee & Dori recently returned from a trip to Lima & Chincha and brought with them this video of one of our friends from Chincha. We thought you all might like to "meet" this brother and hear how thankful he is to God and to all of you who helped him and his neighbors rebuild after the earthquake last August.
Below are also a few pictures of the church "building" where this family of believers meet together now. Many of them were able to come to Arequipa for the retreat we held here in February. They told us of how the Lord really used that time to teach them and they are seeking the Kingdom of God like never before. They even shared with Mike, Lee & Dori a beautiful song that they composed on the way home from the conference (inspired by a session on worship shared by the folks from "Enter the Worship Circle" ).
We'd like to also tell each one of you how much we appreciate the love you showed to our brothers & sisters in Peru and how abundant the fruit has been in that place.
Blessings to each one of you~ Mike & Chenoah
The "road" to Chincha...
The folks from Chincha singing a new song unto the LORD!
recovery efforts
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Llevame alla~
Isn't it the most wonderful place?
The place of rest and peace we find as we take the time to enter into the presence of our Lord? Where time stops and where burdens, fatigue and fears melt away? Where we, as sons and daughters of the Most High, sit and feast with the Messiah?
“Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” -Matthew 11:28
"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul. "
-Psalm 23
-Psalm 23
Recently, we shared a very sweet night with the Church here in Arequipa, worshipping and praying and entering into His presence. We sang a song by Marco Barrientos called "No Voy a Volver Atras" that seemed in a small part at least, to capture this time ...
Llevame alla, donde se que habra paz-
Take me there- where I know there will be peace-
Donde tengo que callar, para escucharte hablar-
Where I have to be quiet to hear You speak-
Donde todo es realidad y el tiempo no existe mas...
Where everything is reality and time doesn't exist anymore...
A psalm of King David~
"Surely you have granted him eternal blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence." -Psalm 21
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thank You!
Thanks to all who have prayed, given, and come together to be a part of this gathering~

The Lord's presence was sweet during the whole week and we all were united in Him as we studied, prayed, and worshipped together, and simply enjoyed being in the company of our brothers and sisters.
**If you'd like to 'hear' a bit of the awesome music we enjoyed during the conference you can check out our new friends from 'Enter the Worship Circle' at: , , and ,
or just go ahead and buy it on itunes!!
"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all . "
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