"He said to them, 'Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old." ~Matthew 13:52
Hello Everyone~
Just a quick reminder that the "Cosas Nuevas, Cosas Viejas Leadership Retreat " will begin on Wednesday, February 13th.
We will be gathering with brothers and sisters from Peru, Chile, and Brazil for a wonderful time of teaching, preaching, worshipping, and taking time together as the family of God to celebrate our lives in Him. We are excited about what the Lord has begun here already and are looking forward to feasting in His presence during these next days!
We covet your prayers for the many aspects of this week...
We are praying for safe and problem-free :) travel for the many folks who are coming up the mountains, by bus and plane, to Arequipa-
We are praying for those who will be teaching, to have clarity, power and faith as they present those things which God has wrought in their hearts (old things & new);
and as we meet together, that "the manifold wisdom of God is made known to the authorities and rulers of the heavenly realms through His Church" !
We are praying for those who will be leading us in worshipping the Lord together, that the Spirit of Lord would move over the people, breaking all barriers of culture (since it is one culture truly, that of the Kingdom of God, uniting us) and language, and that all those seeking to worship Christ in Spirit and truth would be united by Christ alone & filled with joy.
There are so many things to pray about, but better yet, pray as the Lord reveals the needs to you!
We thank you for your prayers & for partnering with us.
I will be posting pictures & updates on the retreat as I can!
"My Father is always at His work to this very day..." John 5:17